Saturday, January 12, 2013

Can't You Just Adore Her?

So I've been married only a few months, but my husband has learned a lot about me. One thing in particular that caught me off guard. He came home one day and I was listening to Mandy Moore and he said, Hon are you feeling alright? And I said, yeah sure. He said, well I know you listen to Mandy when you're sad and want to feel better. I said, Really? And thought about it... it's true! I love her. My best friend (great hair, artist, domestic goddess, amazing at everything, made my wedding flowers) Rachel laughs at me with my girl crush on Mandy. I think she is just down to earth and classic and just an all around great person.

So this leads to me to my review of Wild Hope. It came out in 2007, but I don't think I knew about it until 2010ish. I think this is a great CD, fueled with some feminism, self empowerment, and a little bit of heart break.

Extraordinary: Sometimes this song can seem too cheesy, but it is a whimsical little song about how amazing you can be. I like the little mentions of small details you can see in the world if you're looking, like the wind in the tress kicking up confetti leaves... I just like it.

All Good Things: this one is a little bit sadder than the first song, but shows a lot of restraint. It talks about a failed relationship, but wanting the best for that person anyway. I don't think she is dwelling on that person, but has enough control to move on and be a better person because of it.

Slummin' In Paradise: I'm not sure what it is about this track, it isn't my favorite but I do enjoy the music. I like her voice in it, but it's not one that I put on repeat.

Most Of Me: This song is raw and honest to me. One of the lines that I love is "You should know my story by now  And why I'm optimistic-- cautiously..." I think it is a good thing to be optimistic, but to not be so reckless about it. She is being cautious, not jumping all the way in, and she lets them know, "Just wait for me patiently And you'll get all of me" Listening to this song, I wonder if my Husband wishes I would hold back and only give most of myself instead of all, but that's just cause I've gotten more and more crazy! (secretly he loves it though haha)

Few Days Down: This is one of my favorites. Especially when I am crying... the song just starts off telling you "It’s a fake-out smile and pretend, If nobody sees you cry, You can say it was raining outside" It seems to help get you through a tough time.

 Can't You Just Adore Her?: She likes chocolate in the morning (so do I!) She drinks her coffee late at night (I don't drink coffee, but I sure do drink caffeine at night... ) This song was my anthem. I just wanted to be adored, I wanted someone to notice those silly things I do and tell me I was cute for them and that they are endearing.   I love that this song starts off being about some girl, but at the end she admits it is about her... and I love it.

Looking Forward to Looking Back: This is a haunting song, it's hopeful but full of sadness. It is so beautiful.

Wild Hope: This song embodies melancholy. It is not quite cautious optimism as she talked about in an earlier song, but more like wanting to change from being pessimistic to being more optimistic about what she can achieve.

Nothing That You Are: I think this is a great song to help you through a breakup. Having some anger to fuel you, to give you the distance you need to deal with the situation.

Latest Mistake: Just a good song, a little bit of angst and unhappiness but a perfect blend.

Ladies' Choice: Just a sad and beautiful song. I like how the music almost ends like a cliffhanger, waiting... and then it finishes.

Gardenia: Talk about heart break! It is such an amazing song. I love how it is just stripped, it is just her voice and a piano. In this song she kind of seems to make a realization, about the things she likes and that in the relationship she leaned more about herself than the other person. I think that is something that typically as girls we don't pay attention to or take time to develop, the getting to know yourself and letting yourself have an opinion and knowing what you like.
    This live version of Gardenia gives me chills

Overall: I think this has a slight country or folk quality to it. I think it really shows how Mandy has grown and kind of sticks to her true self and is honest and raw. Perfect for a good cry, and overall just beautiful. All songs stay on my playlist, but some get more play time than others!

**Side note, you must also look up Mandy Moore's version of Umbrella. INCREDIBLE. I love how sad and slow it is.

Buy Wild Hope here

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