I had worked 6 weeks of Especially for Youth (EFY) and a few counselors and I had decided to go hiking.
We went and it was nice! One the way back we listened to some music that one of the guys had, and this was the first time I had heard of the Local Natives. I was hooked! It was so smooth and unique, very folky and indie and upbeat and just something different that I loved.

Wide Eyes: Something that will be common through this review is the drums added in the music. That summer I had been on a date with a guy who had taken me to a music store and tried to teach me to play a little bit of the drums, which is a secret hidden desire of mine. I love in this song the collision of sound.
Airplanes: This song was a haunting melody for me, so beautiful yet so weird. But if anyone can slip in the word "encyclopedia" into a song and you keep on jamming to it... they've got to be good. I like the story of this song, It's always a girls dream for a guy to want to call you and want you back. This is just a sweet song, the way the music is played, and his voice...
Sun Hands: This is a great song to rock out to. I love when the singer is slightly yelling at 2:57, its a great moment to just get out some frustration wile driving... I love all the chaos of noise around 3:15 This is the song that made me recognize this album as road trip quality. I love how the song just ends without finishing...
World News: This is kind of a sad song to come after such a rocking song, but it fits and flows and is a lovely song. Something that I have noticed myself being attracted to in a song is a telling of a deep story. This is something I noticed starting back in 2005 and have seen in some songs but this band seems to do it well. Throughout the song it is calm but slowly building up, then fades out beautifully.
Shape Shifter: This song is intoxicating. I like it, in my mind it is kind of like a ship in an ocean storm being tossed around... but somehow being peaceful.
Camera Talk: This song is fun because it slows down a little and then picks back up. It's a song about traveling, how sometimes you aren't sure if it is going to be a good trip but you want to work to make it a good trip. It isn't one of my favorite songs on the cd, but it is good and I like the guitar solo at the end.
Cards & Quarters: A slower song, a little introspective sounding, it seems like each line of the song is a sentence unfinished.
Warning Sign: I really like the beat in this song, and I like the flow. It is a smooth song
Who Knows Who Cares: This is a much slower song in the beginning, almost a lullaby... with a few sections that are rocking.
Cubism Dream: This song is a sweet and sad one. When you first hear it you don't think too much about it. But really listening to the lyrics makes it much sadder and deeper. It is like in a cubism picture where there are so many different pieces, and in this song he ends it by saying the pieces couldn't be put together in a way that made sense.
Stranger Things: I love the beat made with the drum sticks I believe. It's just a little thing in the background but it makes the song for me, along with the clapping section. I really enjoy all of the layers at the end.
Sticky Thread: This isn't one of my favorite songs on the album, but I still enjoy it. It has a feeling of a song I listen to as you have the windows down on a perfectly warm day, just driving no where and feeling content. I don't really love that the song is about spiders making webs though...
Overall: This whole album stays on the iTunes, I don't delete anything and still enjoy having any song come up on random and keep it on for long drives. I want them to become a more popular band, I am excited for their new album to come out!
Buy this Album here
Love Local Natives, its been a while, I'll have to play some.